Saturday, 21 July 2012

From Shelf to Bench - a DIY

So, I’ve been on a blog break. No real reason except that I have been indulging in the non-cyberworld of life. But now I’m back.

One of my recent DIY jobs at home was to convert two bookshelves into bench seats for Masters 8 (twins who are almost 9). I love Pinterest and it was there that I first spotted the IKEA hack of taking a tall shelf, putting it to its side, adding a seat cushion and there you have a lovely bench seat.,

I had two el-cheapo shelves in my boys’ room and we decided to upgrade to a bigger, nicer one. I was going to get rid of these two but thought I’d give this project a try. So I started with two of these:

I bought the foam cut to size ($15 each) and decided to recycle some old jeans for the upholstering.

I have wanted to introduce the denim look into their room and thought this would be a good start.
I cut up some old jeans and sewed parts of them together.

Using a staple gun I secured the denim into place. And ta – da! I’m happy. They fit perfectly at the foot of their beds and it is a great place for bags, soccer balls, library books, etc.

And a really poor quality pic of it in their bedroom:

Have a great weekend. Next post will be about beetroot (you heard right).
